viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

Birthday celebrations around the world

Birthday celebrations are very different between countries and cultures. For example, in Latin America, a girl's quinceañera is a significant event that marks the transition from teenagers to early adulthood and is celebrated with a large party with lots of food, many guests, and various protocols, like dancing the waltz with 15 boys, the quinceañera's father changes her shoes, among other activities that take place throughout the party. On the other hand, in Australia, birthdays are usually celebrated with a barbecue or a night out with friends, and for children there is a party where fairy bread cannot be missing, which is bread with butter and edible confetti in the shape of of triangle. While in Spain people gather to enjoy a great meal with family and friends and they cannot miss their traditional ear pricks to the birthday boy who must wear the pricks in the ears of all the guests. Unlike Spain, Italy is known for its elaborate and elegant birthday cakes, often decorated with fresh fruit and whipped cream, and and each guest must bring a gift, since it is tradition to open them in plain sight. Also in Russia, birthday celebrations usually include traditional food and drinks, such as vodka and caviar, with a festive table and it is tradition to hang gifts on a clothesline and play hang things as if it were where the clothes are hung. Finally, in Vietnam, birthdays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar, and families often cook traditional dishes and make offerings to their ancestors. In conclusion, it is fascinating to see how different cultures celebrate birthdays in their unique and meaningful ways, and it is an excellent opportunity to learn about and appreciate the various cultural traditions.

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