sábado, 15 de abril de 2023

Discovering the culture of South Korea

South Korea is a country with fascinating customs. In today's globalized world, it is easier than ever to learn about different cultures and their social norms. Therefore, South Korea has recently drawn attention for its unique customs and traditions. Partly due to its technological advances, K-pop music, K-dramas, thriving economy, and an exceptional education system with high academic achievement. Furthermore, these factors have contributed to the rise of South Korea as a culture, thus showing its rich and diverse culture to the world. Also, among the customs that differentiate South Korea from other countries are its hygiene practices. One of these is that people take off their shoes before entering the house to maintain cleanliness, while they sleep, eat and study, since this is usually done on the floor. Formality is also very important in this culture, for this reason, bowing is the usual way of greeting and the degree of bowing depends on the status of the recipient. Furthermore, expressing gratitude before and after meals is also an essential aspect of Korean culture. Unlike in other countries, tipping for services is considered rude and disrespectful because providing excellent service is considered a duty rather than a favor. Finally, respect for the elderly is another trait that distinguishes Korean society. This is reflected in the way they treat older people, even offering them seats on public transport and waiting for them to start eating. In conclusion, South Korea is a country with a rich and diverse culture, which can offer valuable lessons in discipline and respect.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2023

Birthday celebrations around the world

Birthday celebrations are very different between countries and cultures. For example, in Latin America, a girl's quinceañera is a significant event that marks the transition from teenagers to early adulthood and is celebrated with a large party with lots of food, many guests, and various protocols, like dancing the waltz with 15 boys, the quinceañera's father changes her shoes, among other activities that take place throughout the party. On the other hand, in Australia, birthdays are usually celebrated with a barbecue or a night out with friends, and for children there is a party where fairy bread cannot be missing, which is bread with butter and edible confetti in the shape of of triangle. While in Spain people gather to enjoy a great meal with family and friends and they cannot miss their traditional ear pricks to the birthday boy who must wear the pricks in the ears of all the guests. Unlike Spain, Italy is known for its elaborate and elegant birthday cakes, often decorated with fresh fruit and whipped cream, and and each guest must bring a gift, since it is tradition to open them in plain sight. Also in Russia, birthday celebrations usually include traditional food and drinks, such as vodka and caviar, with a festive table and it is tradition to hang gifts on a clothesline and play hang things as if it were where the clothes are hung. Finally, in Vietnam, birthdays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar, and families often cook traditional dishes and make offerings to their ancestors. In conclusion, it is fascinating to see how different cultures celebrate birthdays in their unique and meaningful ways, and it is an excellent opportunity to learn about and appreciate the various cultural traditions.

jueves, 13 de abril de 2023

A journey through traditional oriental medicine


Traditional oriental medicine offers effective and healthy practices. To begin with, it was originated in China and is now widely used in many Asian countries. Moreover, it is interesting to see how these practices promote good and healthy habits. For instance, acupuncture, which involves inserting very small needles into specific points of the body, has been the subject of debate since scientific medicine is not considered entirely effective. On the other hand, a healthy and balanced diet It is essential in traditional oriental medicine, and its effectiveness for a healthy life in general is known. Herbs also play a key role in this practice, as they arebelieved to have healing properties. They are used in various forms such as tea, capsules, and ointments, not only for treatment but also for disease prevention and balancing the body's energy. Furthermore, meditation is of great importance, as mental health is just as important as physical health. Concentrating the mind on an object, thought, or sensation, helps to achieve a state of calm and mental clarity. Additionally, physical exercise has a positive effect on health and well-being in general as the body and mind are connected, and if one of them is well, the other is as well. Finally, massages are used to promote relaxation and as a therapeutic treatment for various ailments. In conclusion, traditional oriental medicine offers a wide range of healthy practices that help to lead a good life and prevent diseases. However, it is important to seek specialized medical advice for serious conditions.

Beyond borders: Colombia and India in a cultural perspective.

        The customs and manners between the cultures of Colombia and India differ significantly, contrary to what one might assume. Firstly,...